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CG | BCMR | Other Cases | 2007-150
Original file (2007-150.pdf) Auto-classification: Denied



Application for Correction           
of the Coast Guard Record of:                     
                                                                                       BCMR Docket No. 2007-150 


FINAL DECISION                                                                                     

This is a proceeding under the provisions of section 1552 of title 10 and section 425 of 
title 14 of the United States Code.  The Chair docketed the case on June 21, 2007, upon receipt 
of  the  applicant's  completed  application,  and  subsequently  prepared  the  final  decision  for  the 
Board as required by 33 C.F.R. § 52.61(c).  
appointed members who were designated to serve as the Board in this case.  

This  final  decision,  dated  March  13,  2008,  is  approved  and  signed  by  the  three  duly 


The applicant asked the Board to correct his record to show that he enlisted in the Coast 
Guard on June 25, 2006 rather than on June 19, 2006.  The applicant stated that when he left the 
Air Force on terminal leave on June 19, 2006, he thought that he had been discharged.  He stated 
that he was not discharged from the Air Force until June 24, 2006. 


On  November  6,  2007,  the  Board  received  an  advisory  opinion  from  the  office  of  the 
Judge Advocate General (JAG) of the Coast Guard.  He recommended that the Board grant relief 
to the applicant.  The JAG stated that a review of the applicant’s record verifies that he enlisted 
in the Coast Guard on June 19, 2006, while still a member of the Air Force on terminal leave.  
He was discharged from the Air Force on June 24, 2004.  The JAG stated that it is believable that 
the applicant mistakenly thought (prior to receiving his DD 214) that he had been separated from 
the Air Force when he enlisted in the Coast Guard on June 19, 2006, for four years. 


On  January  11,  2008,  the  Board  received  the  applicant’s  response  to  the  views  of  the 

Coast Guard.  He agreed with them. 





1.  The  BCMR  has  jurisdiction  of the case pursuant to section 1552 of title 10, United 

The Board makes the following findings and conclusions on the basis of the submissions 

of the applicant and the Coast Guard, the military record of the applicant, and applicable law. 
States Code.  The application was timely.  
2.   The applicant stated that when he enlisted in the Coast Guard on June 19, 2006, he 
believed he had been separated from the Air Force.  However, he discovered on July 27, 2006, 
that he was not discharged from the Air Force until June 24, 2006.  He stated that that the period 
from June 19, 2006 to June 24, 2006 was a period of terminal leave from the Air Force. 
3.  The JAG recommended that the Board grant relief to the applicant.  According to the 
JAG, it is believable that the applicant thought he had been discharged from the Air Force when, 
in fact, he was  only on terminal leave.   The applicant was officially discharged from the Air 
Force on June 24, 2006.  Nothing on the applicant’s DD 214 indicates that he was a terminal 
leave when he left the Air Force.  Although the DD 214 shows the separation date as June 24, 
2006, it also indicates that the applicant had been discharged from the Air Force.  Therefore, the 
Board  agrees  with  the  JAG  that  the  applicant  and  the  Coast  Guard  were  confused  about  his 
discharge  date  from  the  Air  Force.    The  Board  finds  that  the  applicant  should  not  have  been 
allowed to enlist in the Coast Guard until after his discharge from the Air Force.  Article 1.G.1. 
&  2.  of  the  Personnel  Manual  speaks  in  terms  of  reenlistments  after  discharge,  not  during  a 
period of service.    

4.  Accordingly, the applicant's request should be granted. 





The  application  of  SN  XXXXXXXXXXXXX,  USCG,  for  correction  of  his  military 
record is granted.  His record shall be corrected to show that he enlisted in the Coast Guard for 
four years on June 25, 2006, instead of June 19, 2006.   

 Charles P. Kielkopf 

 Eric J. Young 



 Kenneth Walton 








































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